The Carmel Golden K Kiwanis Club
The mission of the Carmel Golden K Kiwanis Club is to improve the world one child and one community at a time. We do this through fundraising, making financial awards to individuals and community organizations, and hands-on service. In addition to our efforts in Carmel, we also support projects of the Indiana Kiwanis District and Kiwanis International.
We are an all volunteer non-profit organization, and we enthusiastically welcome good causes to support as well as new members, supporters, and speakers.
We meet on Thursday mornings from 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. at VFW Post 10003, 12863 Old Meridian Street in Carmel. Come a little early and enjoy coffee and conversation before the meeting starts.
For more information about our meetings, check out our Meetings page. Our mailing address is 15120 Count Fleet Ct., Carmel, IN 46032.